Wholesale Fraudulent Activities You Should Be Aware Of

Like every country, it is regrettable that one may also encounter a variety of scammers in Turkiye, ranging from taxi drivers who take longer routes to increase their earnings, to fraudulent clothing vendors and even unqualified fashion buyers who misrepresent their ability to assist with purchases. As a foreigner from London, it is only appropriate to provide an honest assessment of the challenges one might face when entering the wholesale market in Turkey. My background in law enforcement has provided me with the ability to detect bullshit and scams from a mile away. However, for those who may not possess such skills, this article could serve as a valuable resource to help you navigate and avoid potential scams.

Not Every Clothing Vendor Is Real

Indeed, you have read that correctly; your perception is accurate. There are numerous “fake vendors” operating in Turkey. You may be wondering how this situation is even feasible. Surely, these fraudulent vendors would have faced legal action by now. How can an individual impersonate a legitimate clothing vendor? Allow me to provide a brief explanation. Given that approximately 90% of vendors in Turkey lack direct online purchasing options, they often utilise social media platforms like Instagram and Telegram to display their designs and catalogues. This creates an opportunity for individuals to appropriate images from genuine vendors and repost them under a different name, thereby misleading potential customers into believing they are the authentic source. Notably many vendors buy Instagram followers to try and convince you that they are authentic which is not always the case!


Almost all reputable wholesalers maintain physical showrooms, and their showroom addresses are typically listed in their Instagram bios for potential customers to visit. In contrast, fraudulent suppliers lack such showrooms, as they are not genuine entities. It is important to recognise that they cannot provide an address for a wholesale store that does not exist. Additionally, many individuals mistakenly believe that any social media wholesale account featuring the term “toptan” is a legitimate vendor; however, the truth is quite the opposite. Typing “toptan” on Instagram is one of the least effective methods for locating vendors, and even if you happen to find some authentic ones, you are still exposing yourself to significant risks with many being fake suppliers.

Why Are NBG Vendor List So Expensive

Our vendor list is priced at a premium for a reason; our team dedicated over four years of thorough research to distinguish genuine vendors from fraudulent ones. We personally visited each vendor’s showroom in Turkey, acquired samples, and even performed chemical tests. While we recognise that a fee exceeding £100 for a vendor list may seem steep for some startups, we are confident that our extensive efforts justify the price. You are not merely purchasing a list of vendors; you are investing in the time and resources our team has committed over the years to ensure you avoid potential scams. Given that 90% of vendors lack online websites, what alternative methods can a newcomer employ to locate them? Additionally, many B2B platforms in Turkey do not feature a comprehensive inventory of all vendors from the country, which is why we have compiled this list for you whislt we work on our B2B platorm. A boutique generating between $200,000- $1 million annually is unlikely to consider £100 as a significant expense. Similarly, a startup aiming to minimise errors will perceive a £100+ vendor list as an investment to prevent potential scams. You are invited however to register for our complimentary B2B platform, SourceToptan, which will be launched early next year. This platform will enable you to now purchase from vendors online and also dropshipping.

The Rise Of The Fake Personal Shoppers & Buyers

It appears that a significant number of individuals residing in Turkiye are now identifying themselves as personal shoppers, professional fashion buyers, or sourcing agents. While I support the ideals of entrepreneurship and the pursuit of one’s aspirations, I also value common sense and trust. This is particularly relevant in the context of fashion buying and merchandising, which is a legitimate profession that typically necessitates a university degree—something that approximately 80% of these sourcing agents lack. Moreover, many of these agents do not possess residency permits and are living in Turkiye illegally. In contrast to nations like the United Kingdom and the United States, where comprehensive DBS checks are required to validate an individual’s criminal history, the textile industry in Turkey operates under less stringent regulations. Many agents and factory workers do not undergo background verification checks, with a significant number engaged in cash-in-hand employment, which complicates the establishment of trust within the sector.

How To Vet Sourcing Agents & Buyers

It is important to note that individuals wishing to work or reside legally in Turkey must obtain both a residency permit and a work permit. Many sourcing agents and buyers often lack these necessary permits which signals a huge red flag. An individual residing in a country without legal authorisation inherently demonstrates a lack of trustworthiness and someone you would not permit trust in purchasing wholesale stock from. It is not my intention to suggest that this applies to all sourcing agents in Turkiye; however, based on my extensive experience in law enforcement, there are often early indicators that signal potential concerns regarding an individual who will prove to be untrusthworthy long-term. The best recommendation I can offer is to ask the sourcing agent or fashion buyer prior to provide verification of their identification and proof of residency.

The Most Common Scams Involving Sourcing Agents

A reputable individual or sourcing agency should possess a website through which they can be contacted. In 2024, there is simply no justification for not having one. A significant warning sign is when someone purports to be an agent but relies solely on their mobile phone for communication. My concern is that nothing prevents such an agent from discarding their SIM card and disappearing once you transfer the money to them  to purchase your wholesale stock. A scenario that occurs more frequently than one might assume. I have encountered numerous stories of individuals falling victim to scams, sending money to fraudulent buyers, and subsequently receiving no response. Now your out of pocket and can’t do anything… Sucks right

Work With Specialist Not Generalist

It is highly improbable for an individual to possess expertise in every conceivable area. A sourcing agent who asserts the ability to procure clothing, furniture, and automotive components simultaneously raises significant concerns. Such a claim suggests either an extraordinary level of knowledge akin to that of Albert Einstein or, more likely, a lack of honesty. It is generally understood that no one can be thoroughly knowledgeable about every product.It is advisable to collaborate with sourcing companies that focus on specific product categories. For instance, if you are seeking to source furniture, it would be sensible to engage with a sourcing company that exclusively specialises in furniture and household items. Similarly, if your interest lies in wholesale clothing, you should partner with a sourcing company that specialises in textiles goods.

If Hell Was A Place It Would Be A Turkish Taxi

Okay, so maybe I exaggerated just a little in comparing Turkish taxi drivers to hell, but I can say the taxi drivers take the absolute piss when it comes to foreigners. As a woman from London, I have observed that the moment a Turkish individual detects my British accent, they perceive me as an easy target for financial exploitation. What they fail to realise is that I am not unfamiliar with Turkiye; I own property and and two businesses here since 2019 to be exact. It is only when I begin to converse in Turkish that the taxi drivers recognise that I am not someone they can deceive.Unfortunately, I am aware that many of you reading this may not speak Turkish, so I will provide some tips to help you avoid such situations. When entering a taxi, it is advisable to ask the driver to activate the meter or to restart it if already running. Some drivers intentionally fail to engage the taxi meter, which can result in exorbitant charges upon reaching your destination.

It is also advisable to refrain from using taxis in the Laleli, Aksaray and Merter areas during the peak rush hours of 5 PM to 7 PM. This wholesale district is also a popular destination for tourists, and you may encounter taxi drivers waiting by their vehicles, eager to offer rides away from the crowded environment to your hotel. However, they will often provide a price on the spot, typically ranging from 300 to 800 lira. I strongly recommend avoiding this situation. The audacity of these unscrupulous individuals, who take advantage of the rush hour to bypass the meter and impose exorbitant charges, is a disgrace. Instead, I suggest utilising the tram or other public transportation options, such as the metro. Charging a foreigner more than $20-$30 for a 5-10-minute journey is utterly outrageous when you can simply pay $0.60 for the metro!

The best Taxi Apps To Use In Turkiye

Instead of hailing a taxi on the roadside, consider downloading the Uber and Bitaksi applications on your mobile device as alternative means of transportation in Istanbul. A significant advantage of both applications is that they provide an approximate fare for each trip and display a live map of your journey. Personally, I prefer Uber, as it has recently been authorized to operate in Turkey. I have not encountered any scams while using it, and it alleviates the need to carry cash. In all honesty, while Bitaksi is a viable option, I have noticed that many drivers tend to take longer routes, and some of the taxis that arrived were in poor condition. Issues such as non-functional seatbelts, unsatisfactory interior cleanliness, and unpleasant cigarette odors contributed to my dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, it remains a better choice compared to traditional taxis and being scammed.

Fake Shipping Companies

It is quite surprising to find myself addressing the issue of “fake shipping companies.” I share your confusion regarding this matter. However, it is imperative to inform you about the current situation in Turkey concerning shipping services. Not all shipping companies operating in Turkey are legitimate; some maintain fraudulent websites, while others may appear one day and vanish without a trace the next. It is difficult to articulate, but there are individuals who have established shipping companies in Turkey as a means to facilitate money laundering activities. I am merely relaying this information. Reports have indicated that local Turkish authorities have conducted raids on certain shipping companies, which are engaged in illegal operations. Identifying trustworthy shipping companies can be challenging, and even those that appear in Google searches may be deceptive. I strongly advise utilizing LinkedIn to locate reputable shipping and logistics firms. It is essential to perform due diligence and thoroughly vet cargo companies prior to any engagement. A reliable method for assessing shipping companies is to request evidence of their company registration. By law, all registered companies in Turkey are required to display their business documentation and certificates, which are typically visible in their offices.

One comment

  1. Thank for the information l would like yo book a learning session on how to open a small boutique here in South Africa

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