If you’re reading this you have probably spent hours, weeks or months using search engines such as Google, logging into forums like Quora or watching countless YouTube tutorials, on boutique owners convincing you they made $100,000 worth of sales within 1 month. You might have fallen into the trap of signing up for a couple of podcasts, or webinars or even spent your hard-earned cash buying ‘secret to success’ books and courses that got you nowhere. We’re sure most of you got sucked into the illusion of starting an online business within 30 days and generating passive income. You became fixated on trying to find ways to quit your 9-5 and start living a life of financial freedom. But like most people, you also failed to realise if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it! Everyone would be driving around in luxury cars, dining out at fancy restaurants, and jet-setting around the globe. Yet only a small percentage of people are doing this and they aren’t entrepreneurs. Because the truth is… Starting a business requires alot of time, more than 40-50 hours a week worth of your time.

I find myself often laughing when I hear people say, they want to become entrepreneurs so they can get rich and not have to work again. Oh really? You want to become rich but think a 30-day get-rich guide and starting a  business is going to make you a millionaire overnight? I mean did Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Jack Ma become millionaires within 30 days? Did their companies make millions within 30 days? Did they even make a profit in the first year of business? But somehow you have convinced yourself you can set up a quick fashion business or boutique and make a quick million within a couple of months….

Am sorry but the maths aint’ mathing and the rise of these fake business gurus is astronomical. Quite frankly half of these people make their money selling these useless online courses that lead nowhere. Have you ever done your background research on some of these so called guru’s? For some strange reason, I can never seem to locate the million-dollar businesses they claim they own. The point am trying to make is, you can’t solely rely on a quick Google search, a couple of webinars and Youtube tutorials and a man in a business suit standing in front of a rented mansion with four bugattis parked outside. Trying to convince you the assets in which he owns were a result of him quitting his day job and starting some dropshipping Amazon business nonsense.

Anyone Can Start A Business But Not All Businesses Have Longevity

Am no psychologist, although I do have a degree in law and criminal justice studies. I can’t magically come in and completely turn your entrepreneur problems into 24-hour fixes. I wish I could, honestly I do! But what I can promise is reducing the mistakes many people first-time founders make when launching a fashion brand. I can also assure you, that starting a business takes time, alot of time, and it’s not to be rushed. If you’re starting a business purely to make a quick buck then save yourself the stress and stick to your 9-5 job. Great businesses stem from a passion that solve a problem, and bring about change. We want you to become a successful fashion brand, not a carbon copy of what has already been done..

It’s easier than ever to start an online business, thanks to the likes of ShopifyGoDaddy Wix, and a number of hosting platforms that pretty much do all the work for you. But let’s not forget, there is more to starting an online business than you think. Most people tend to start without conducting any prior research or putting together a business plan, marketing plan and setting a budget aside and wonder why they can’t acquire any customers.

Don’t Rush, Forget The False ‘Get Rich’ Schemes And Take Your Time!

Luckily for you, I have done the groundwork, including flying across the globe to meet manufacturers, spending months screening thousands of vendors, and more. I also don’t believe in hiding information, am still confused why in 2024 people act weird when asking for business advice or help with connecting to vendors. Considering everyone is using the same vendors and the majority of stores and boutiques resemble a replica of fashionova and Prettylittlething (You all know it’s true lol). I refuse to withhold all this insight and knowledge and not at least share it with the world.. I pretty much give you the direct links and resources to help your business succeed. Here at NBG, we represent all things women empowerment, entrepreneurship, and achieving goals.

Check out our services page to see how we can help!